Day 20: AKA The Day I Fell Back Asleep
Uh oh.
I realized this morning as Jesse came up the stairs (which usually happens a few pages into my writing time, but today I had only written 2.5 sentences), I fell asleep in the middle of this morning’s hour! Turns out my body cannot survive on 5 hours of sleep, followed by 6.5 hours of sleep.
With winter break drawing near, I think I (and every other teacher and student everywhere) am running out of steam.
However, before I nodded off I was considering that 365 hours to devote to something, anything, over the course of the year is A LOT. Amidst our myriad responsibilities and work-a-day concerns, what do we really end up doing for 365 hours each year?
So, for me, the question persists. Can a working mother-of-two possibly take that much time for herself despite all the forces trying to grab it away?
And I hope to answer a resounding yes, but honestly, I don’t know yet. It remains a work in progress.
365 hours feels expansive. It feels like an opportunity. The idea of investing that much time and energy exclusively in myself over the course of the year sounds, well, downright luxurious.
But the reality feels only as luxurious as waking up at 5:30 AM ever does.
As with so much so-called self-care, discipline and setting boundaries means much more than bubble baths and candles.
So today, I will strive to find 48 more minutes somewhere to finish my writing.
And I hope I will, because I am giving myself permission to be that important.