
Whew! It has been a whirlwind since I finished my 365 days, 365 hours of writing and posted last in November, 2023. Since then, I have written multiple kid-lit manuscripts and signed with an agent, earned a scholarship from The Highlights Foundation and visited Korea for the first time. I actually stood in the place where I was born!

Today (drumroll, please!) I have an Op-Ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer about international adoption! I am thrilled and overwhelmed!


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me, loved me and encouraged my writing with your insanely kind words. I have them written down and I read them when I think this writing thing is too difficult or somehow not for me. #ungratefuladoptee

This is a small step, but it turns out many small steps can take you a really long way. Maybe even all the way home.


Searching For Adoptee Voices in Picture Books


Day 366: Coda